Working towards a brighter future for pediatric TBI survivors and their families
Our Projects and Programs
Collaborative & Innovative
Our Programming and community engagement originated from our own experiences while dealing with our son Ronan's recovery journey from TBI.
We are investing our time and resources  heavily in three main areas highlighted below; helping survivors, helping families and educating our community.
Discover more about our innovative campaigns below and get in touch to stay up to date regarding our latest efforts.
Helping to to make that initial acute hospitalization time more bearable and maybe even more fun for teenage TBI survivors
Through our Community Development, we have the potential to make a real and positive change in the community. This is one of our key areas of focus here at Project GreenHeart Foundation, and a source of much success for our Non-Profit Organization. Get in touch with us today and see how you can lend a helping hand with this program.

Brain Buddies
Providing Social Connections
The Brain Buddies program connects a child with brain injury with a trained teenage volunteer for a scheduled zoom call once a week. Â This provides much needed socialization, friendship and a forum for practicing social and conversational skills.
Getting the word out about tackling the challenges of TBI the and the real cost and impacts to our communities and society
Most of our efforts pertaining to this program involve studying new approaches and developing innovative ways to implement them. We evaluate our success in this field by gathering qualitative and quantitative data, and using that information to measure shifts and changes from our baseline measurements.

Making a difference in the lives of TBI survivors and their families as they transition back to the new reality of life in their local communities and beyond
We see every challenge as an opportunity, and this initiative helps us ensure that our partners are better prepared to manage the unique situations they find themselves in. We are invested in an innovative approach that empowers our community and delivers the support they need, when they need it.