Working towards a brighter future for pediatric TBI survivors and their families

From Idea to Reality: The story behind the PGHF Logo
June 5, 2019
While we were living at the hospital, our neighborhood started a green heart sticker initiative to show support for us. Our good family friend, Emily Sorbello and her family purchased and distributed the greenhearts to friends, family and neighbors.
The logo coincidentally combines the green of our Irish Family heritage with the nationally accepted color for Brain Injury Awareness. When married with the white brain and full heart it reminds us of the the love, care, and support that we received from our community of friends and family as well as medical professionals during the initial 12 months after Ronan's injury. Our neighbor and friend Aaron To, graphic designer and illustrator with Disney/ABC in New York City, volunteered his time and expertise to design the graphic and bring our logo idea to reality.
To this day, green hearts adorn community mailboxes, Ronan's elementary school & cars. It is our hope that through the work of the foundation, the green heart can become a known symbol for pediatric brain injury support.
We are proud to be able to offer service & support to pediatric brain injury warriors and their families.