Penance - OSRS Gold For Sale prayer repairs damage taken. It can cancel either the effect of Smite or Divine's prayer drain. Berserker - +10% att and str (similar to the effects of an additional potion), -50% defence, stacks with potions. For 1 def pures defence reduction does nothing. Dark Magic - chance of slightly more damage from mage. Ancestor spirits – an additional vengeance effect may be possible (not confirmed). Aegis: 10% reduction in damage. It stacks with soak, divine and ely.
Although I don't normally post anything about Runescape, I wanted to share my experiences in RS as an individual player or pker. I noticed that pkers bot more frequently than normal players.
I have extensive experience in Pking. I observed that a lot of users botched actual evidence even though they were training at extremely suspicious levels. (99 str 20att, for instance 90-99 on level 40-60 accounts and 90-99 in skill on level 40-60). With this large number of botters who also are Pkers, it appears that there is an obvious trend.
This bonus exp weekend may be a good way to use Urns. You can simply log on and teleport all of your urns that you have prepared. This will give you some exp to help you start the bonus exp weekend. But, you are able to only get 10 full-urns of each skill.
You'll earn 44887.5 exp when you craft 10 Strong Woodcutting Urns. If you craft 62 times, 10 Infernal urns will give you 50625 exp. With 76 crafting 10 Decorated fishing urns, you will get 51300 exp. If you craft 81 times it will give you 41782.5 exp. Although the exp gains aren't huge, the 40k/50k exp in skill per minute can be extremely beneficial. At current prices 10 Infernal Urns can save 1.4mill if you use Dragon bones.
Hello Everyone! Falxmaster. I'm Falxmaster. I plan to create a comedy-style reality-show style comedy series on YouTube featuring Noobs. However, I am still looking for actors. Check out the rest of the topic for how to Audition. While you don't necessarily have to act, acting is an art that can be taught. If you'd like to audition, you can contact me in game. My name is Falxmaster.
Not an argument, but post your opinion between the two. Oldschool was 01-07 and the new school is 08-Now. Talk about adapting to the new way of playing (if you've just joined from the 3 year break) Talk about the loot difference since new things are being added. Everything is easy. Fun overall.
I still love pking. Defiantly a lot different than the old school pking. I would wear a coif (looking like an absolute noob). I wore the snare, teleblock and other sharks. I attempted that on the day wildy came back with a decent pure outfit going on and got caught.
It takes time to become accustomed. I could tell the moment it was time to take a bite. It's a lot more difficult now that there are fewer noobs, and more people who know about wild and other stuff. I was once cautious about eating anything below 20HP. I was afraid that I was prone to receiving food spam from them and they would be unable to to eat me. However, they now have claws and can take me down.
Pking is always a lot of fun. I have enough money to cover the losses of 100k+ every time I die. Never once did I think "this new game is a f**k". It's common for things alter. Get used to it, adjust. I still use my oldschool ways of hitting. With only 60 attack, 89 range and 70 str ( :( ) I can manage.
Off the topic. After I decided I would return to the cc's of two my favourite people. Most people don't even own a Cc. I was not able to be a part of one of the most inspiring Pkers, which made me a range pure until then. Yankin deez, to whom I donated 1 mil to help another pk vide. He is quite cool and not surprising. He also added me. It's basically an artist who is a huge fan of Led Zeppelin, meets Jimmy Page. Let's talk.
Clans, clans and clans are the only thing I hear at the workplace these day. In light of all this, and our incredibly amazing 'Clan Celebration Month' I decided to start my own clan. However, I would like it to be bigger, bolder, and better than any other clan. EVAR!
You are the one who can help me. I'm in need of YOU! I need all of you! If you want to join me, we could begin stomping upon innocents, looting villages, and pillaging Gielinor to find gold. If that sounds too energetic, you could also make clans slaves to perform the heavy lifting for us.
Who will be there for me? Who will join us in destroying the others? Please let me know via the sign-up thread. To make our mark in the world of clans, we need the most people we can get. When I say 'make our mark', I mean 'stomp into oblivion to the ground'
As much as the idea of starting an awesome clan is appealing, I believe we'll need an equally awesome name in order to make a real impact on the clan world. This is where all of you come in. What is your idea of an ideal name for the clan's clan? If yes, then please post it in the suggestion for a clan name thread. I'll be compiling the top clan names from the suggestions thread, and upload them to a Facebook poll. The best name will be chosen by all of you before you all vote. The future is ours to decide.
I am currently saving around 42 mil for my dream armor and would love to hear what you guys think. Now i dont want to hear things like "get fire cape, barrows gloves, zerker ring (i) and Neitz." While these are more appealing than the ones I posted, my goal isn't to acquire them. They may be in my next goal, but all of those items are extremely time consuming and difficult to obtain, or simply not worth the effort at the moment. Now for my reasoning for this armor...
This is an amazing non-degradable, non-degradable set-up. This is a great setup for pvp (cw duels, etc ), as it offers great range defense as well as defense against slash. It also has an incredible strength boost. The reason i prefer to use the dfs over the def is because it has less protection against slash than other armors. This helps compensate for the weak defense, and also gives a str bonus.
In zones where the risk of injury is not an issue (pc), i will replace the dfs by the d def. This will result in an 124 slash bonus as well as a 120 str bonus. I will employ an ss when training str.
What do you think? do you like it? I think the most controversial part of this armor is the dfs in place of the d def in pvp. It's a good idea, and I see high-level players using dfs in conjunction with bandsos due to the reasons ive mentioned above.
It must be in place. Dont enter. You can camp right outside it. You can use fire to kill all the Spirtuals and Aviansies. Now pick up all the Spoils! These include addy bars and clue scrolls, as well as Nex keys, Rune daggers, limbs, Law, Nature, Dragonstones and coins that are pure (up to 10,916!)
The xp value is more than simply killing them regularly. It's also more if you're always fighting them. You should keep your bonuses for range at a high level for your cannon. It is possible to ALCH limbs/daggers but I prefer to make them Old School RS Gold to purchase. The greatest aspect is that you could remain here for a couple of weeks and not get bored. Thanks to Tcmp3. No copying permitted. This is my property. OK, I did correct some spelling mistakes. And yes you can use the cannon but sometimes monster's smash it down.