Make sure to make the pots as iRuneScape Gold and it will help greatly. Keyer wanted you to ggs him to allow a door to be opened while you were in a Gd. well ggs of course as opening that door required will open rooms quicker than gds, don't forget to gate your initial spot. ALWAYS LISTEN TO THE KEYER I cannot emphasize this enough. Any addition?
It's a mix of irons and steels. I don't know the drop from which dragon originates. It's likely to be 110 steels and 100 irons. It took me 5 hours, two trips and 6k blood runes using the spell firewave. (83 magical at the time.) Join to receive more logs. You can continue if you wish! If you have any requests, please contact me via this thread. I'm not the greatest player, but I hope I can help. (You could also add me to the game called 'Tnx Buddy,' just let me know why.
Andrew might be available to make T-shirts. Andrew has experience with Photoshop, graphic design, as well as general "artsy" abilities. If you'd like to pay a modest cost, I'm curious about who'd be interested.
Yes, I know some of you may not be interested. It's just for novelty. Additionally, Andrew has no idea that I've committed him to this. Again, this is just an experiment. This thread is more of a "what the deal is that they're worth the effort?" type of thread. It's more of a "what's the matter with this? Are they any good?" thread, I think. This thread should be organized prior to when I posted it. Well!
While I'm not sure whether this should go in the questions section, it is meant to stimulate discussion, therefore I'll post it here. Since the introduction of GE and before the introduction of GE, shops were largely redundant. There are a few shops that can be helpful: notably, shops that offer unusual products that do not make it into the GE, and shops that offer high-end items cheaply in bulk, such as feathers and runes.
You can also find shops that sell untradeable or unique items like Faruq’s gaming tools, Xuan's clothing shop, and Thessalia’s clothing store. Many shops for everyday gielinorians however, are not efficient and uninvolved. Today, no one is likely to offer gemstones to the jewel trader or jewellery to jewellery owners. You can also visit the taverly for a mithril IIh sword.
Your opinion: What improvements can you make to enhance the shop's usefulness? Your suggestion will improve their utility. What are your thoughts about other ideas? A suggestion: I believe that clothing stores would be successful if they all were run the same manner like Thessalia's. All no-stat clothing could be made standard. This would increase visits to those shops because the clothes that are standard are loved and appreciated by the majority of people of the customers, while clothing on top get in the way of armour or other more important things.
Hey, guys and gals! Tas here, your friendly once-in-a-while RSOF lurker. In any case! Here's what I was scammed and how to stay clear of it. Although nobody I know of has heard of this scam, I put it together in my mind and want you to be careful.
Don't fall for those who charge exorbitant rates for junk with high quantities. "Need 300 steel pickaxes! I'll buy them at 10 dollars each!" The above happened to ge. I owned several steel pickaxes, and the owner purchased them for 10k each, as promised.
I was thinking too quickly to be able to concentrate and I rushed to the Ge and tried to purchase more. They didn’t buy. And they didn't buy further. Before I knew it I had raised the cost to 3k, 3k and finally 4k. This was done to secure the sale, to get the ridiculously large profit of 10k from the user. We're in need of 300 pickaxes!"
I paid a few thousand dollars for 100 to 200 pickaxes. They mysteriously cost the identical amount. When I returned to the user who was on ge and he was logged in. Take a look at what transpired. See what transpired? He announced his desperate need for pickaxes, at an amount higher than what he had sold for, and then he bought them.
The note from the GE stated that the offer was over, and the employee logged out. The account was full of gibberish for the name, like I said, so I imagine the funds are going to be switched over to a main account at some time. tongue.png
So, again, BE WARY of users who post similar "OMFG must purchase naooo" messages, especially when they need a high quantity of an item that you'd truly normally would not purchase. There is a chance that you will be the only one in the GE feeling a bit lost and isolated. Cheers!
It's been two months since we launched the Squeal of Fortune. Now, we want to answer some of your questions, correct some myths, provide motivations for the new update and, perhaps most important explain why it's here to stay.
First of all I want to say thank you to all those who have provided us with feedback on the recent Squeal of Fortune updates. Squeal of Fortune was created to be a fun and enjoyable feature for RuneScape. It offers players a new way to earn free rewards every day that they sign into RuneScape. As with many of our updates, members receive double the daily free spins and we've developed it over time, offering all players a variety of ways to earn free Squeal spins.
As with every other content we include in RuneScape we have taken extra care to ensure the Squeal of Fortune would improve the experience of gaming and not detract from the things that make RuneScape special for the millions of gamers who play it every single day. We are proud to say we succeeded in both our goals.
We know that not all people are happy with the Squeal of Fortune. Even with our best efforts, we aren't able to satisfy everyone.
Our philosophy has always been to do what's best for the game's long-term health. Many long-standing players will be familiar with this fact. It has been something I've repeatedly done throughout the years, regardless of discomfort that may have started. One great example of this is the bot nuke. I'm certain that we've been recognized for our actions over the long run. In reality, the game continues to improve every year, and our community is steadily growing.
We are still grateful for any feedback we receive regarding our posts and how users respond to them. We have been reviewing your posts and listening to your concerns. Your feedback has inspired us to implement some changes to the system of Squeal of Fortune. We have added new ways to earn additional spins in-game and introduced additional payment protection to any in-game purchases after we had received notification of any issues.
While I and the team are disappointed that certain players don't like buying additional spins or free spins We know that 90% of our members enjoy the Squeal of Fortune and that more than 70 percent of our players who are free use it daily. This is what makes the Squeal of Fortune one of the most popular content releases. Our players continue to take advantage of the numerous opportunities to earn extra spins. The Squeal of Fortune is sure to be here for a long time.
The system's design means that players cannot be concerned about RWT'ing, gambling or using the Squeal of Fortune for their own financial profit. While there have been instances of players take advantage the new rewards and others decide to purchase additional spins, we haven't seen any abuse, despite having closely monitored the system.
RuneScape will continue to grow in the future as it develops exciting, innovative content as well as the size of the community. With the launch of The Buy Old School RS Gold last Monday, a major graphical performance upgrade yesterday (which already saw an impressive portion of the community gain over a 100% improvement in game frame rate), it should be evident that we just gearing up for the most exciting and biggest year of content ever... with an entire overhaul of the combat system later this summer!