You need to create content to market your business. I mean, lots of content. Otherwise, your business, your company, your brand will be lost in the sea of noise that is the Internet. Straight? Maybe not. We believe we need to post to Instagram every day, blog every day, and upload to Twitter and Facebook every day, if not more. Just like big companies do. The problem is that large companies have full-fledged content teams of multiple people, and when you're just starting out, you're usually a one-person group or have very limited resources. At the same time, the amount of content produced far exceeds what we can humanly consume. For example, according to WordPress, over 77 million blog posts are published every month . That's a LOT of content. How to differentiate, stand out, shut up and take advantage of the advantages enjoyed by large companies, but with a reduced budget?
This is one of the questions we asked ourselves at my company three years ago when we were trying to launch our first brand, and we had no online following. It was intimidating, a feeling you are certainly aware of. The employee email database low cost marketing strategy I'm going to share with you today is exactly what we came up with. He is responsible for over 7 figure revenue in just 12 months, putting our products and services “on the map” in a relatively short time. Spoiler: It's all about live videos , a much easier tactic than you might imagine and one that has been very profitable for us. The best part? We only spend an hour a week creating content for our audience. No seriously, just one hour a week! Of course, there is some setup time and some administrative follow-up, but this "weekly hour" allows us to share and learn a lot of market information, to position ourselves as authorities on the market and collect leads daily.
Want to give it a shot? Here is the step-by-step recap of exactly what we did: Steal hundreds of content tactics that have produced MILLIONS of subscribers and sales! Check out our content marketing handbook. Step 1: Set up and shoot live video Our low-cost marketing strategy revolves around YouTube Live Events and Google Hangouts. Using the power of these free platforms, we go live for a full hour each week, answering our audience's SEO and digital marketing questions. We've been doing this weekly live Q&A for the past three years, with amazing results. And we continue to do so because it has become one of our biggest sources of leads and customers, of our entire marketing strategy. By harnessing the power of live videos, which will give you far more reach and exposure than pre-recorded videos, you're also leveraging the “live” factor that people love.